A partnership for patient safety
Our health care partnership begins with our commitment to your safety. You will lower the risk of injury and make your stay safer if you and your companions are involved in your care, by working with your healthcare team during your stay at the hospital.
We offer a brief safety orientation to all hospitalized patients and their families to ensure a safe environment for patient care. Sometimes you or your loved one may see that something is wrong. In those emergencies, we rely on you to call for immediate attention from healthcare professionals.
Leadership rounding
Head of Nurses and other representatives from our administrative team will be visiting you throughout your stay. Please share your experience and concerns with them. Your feedback is very important to us.
Infection control and hand hygine
The single best way to control hospital infections is by hand washing. Clean hands are key to preventing infection and the spread of disease. Abdali Hospital follows hand hygiene recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
You and your visitors also play a key role in the prevention of infection and the spread of diseases. Please follow hand hygiene guidance before and after eating, after using the bathroom, and after sneezing or coughing. Your doctor, nurse, or any staff caring for you can answer questions about hand washing and other infection control concerns.
Preventing falls
In the hospital, people can be at a higher risk for falls. Illness, surgery and medicines can weaken or affect your balance and judgment. Also, medical equipment and the unfamiliar environment can make movement more difficult. We are committed to keeping you safe from injury during your stay.
During your stay we will:
- Assess you for your risk of falling upon admission and as your condition changes.
- Determine what preventive measures should be taken to try to prevent a fall while you are in the hospital and share this information with other staff involved in your care.
- Show you how to use your nurse call system and remind you when to call for help.
- Respond to your calls for assistance in a timely manner.
- Assist you with getting in and out of bed and using the restroom as needed.
- Recommend safe footwear and equipment (such as a walker) that will make it safer for you to move about.
- Make sure the nurse call system and other needed call devices are within reach before members of the staff leave you alone.
Smoking policy
Abdali Hospital is committed to providing a safe, clean and healthy environment for patients, visitors, and employees. Abdali Hospital strictly prohibits smoking within the hospital, including the use of any tobacco product or the use of e-cigarettes across the entire medical site. This includes all indoor spaces, car parks, and surrounding outdoor grounds. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our medical campus smoke-free.