Same day appointment
Abdali Hospital offers same-day appointments. Depending on the level of care you need and the time of day when you call, you can see a physician that day.
If you call +96265109999 before noon, we will do our best to offer you a same-day appointment and if you call in the afternoon, we will try to offer you an appointment for the next day if the same day is not possible.
What happens when I call for a same-day appointment?
- We will ask you for basic identifying information, such as your address, phone number, and insurance carrier.
- Next, we will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms to help find the most appropriate doctor to treat you. In most cases, we’ll be able to schedule the appointment with this information.
- If you have a complex or chronic medical condition, your call may be triaged by a nurse. This ensures that your physician will receive adequate medical records and other information necessary to give you the best care.
Our priority is to ensure that people who have an urgent need to be seen by a physician are given appointments right away.
It is possible that your appointment will be scheduled further out if you need a routine physical/annual wellness check-up or if you need highly specialized care and your need is less urgent.