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Anesthesiology is a specialty and is involved in the following settings:

  • For surgery, anesthesiologists evaluate the patient’s overall health, plan techniques, choose agents, administer anesthesia, and monitor the effects of anesthesia and surgery on the patient’s vital functions
  • In the ICU, they care for critically ill patients by providing airway management, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, advanced life support and pain control
  • In pain clinics, anesthesiologists provide acute and chronic pain relief to a variety of patients


Our team of anesthetists at Abdali Hospital provide Anesthesia and Analgesia for patients undergoing surgery, diagnostic and radiation procedures. The Anesthesiologist determines the appropriate method of anesthesia for a patient by the following criteria:

  • A physical examination
  • An evaluation of the patient’s clinical results
  • A Risk assessment profile 


Being an integral support function for all specialties, Anesthesia department covers:

  • Surgical departments
  • Intensive care medicine
  • Emergency medicine
  • Out-patient clinics


What we offer

The Anesthesia service is provided to patients having operations in the main operating theatres and the day surgery unit, and include the following:

  • Pre-anaesthesia assessment
  • General anesthesia
  • Deep sedation
  • Regional blocks
  • Epidural and spinal anesthesia
  • Acute and chronic pain management services


Anesthesiologists assess patients before their operations in the pre-assessment clinic


Quality measures 

  • The service adheres to the principles of clinical governance and standards as set by the:
    • Abdali Hospital, National and International bodies and JCIA
    • Excellent record in delivering quality care rapidly