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Submitted by webmaster on 17 October 2024


Amyloidosis can affect almost any tissue in the body. Therefore, the symptoms and signs of the disease can vary greatly and are often vague and not specific.

Treatment of Amyloidosis

Treatment of all types of amyloidosis is currently based on the following principles:

  • Reducing the supply of amyloid forming precursor proteins.
  • Supporting the function of organs containing amyloid: In all types of amyloidosis, it is important that treatment should support the function of organs containing amyloid. In ATTR amyloidosis this may include:
  • Treatment for heart disease
  • Heart transplantation
  • Treatment of peripheral neuropathy symptoms
  • Treatment of autonomic neuropathy symptoms
  • Liver transplantation as a treatment for hereditary ATTR amyloidosis - reducing the supply of amyloid precursor proteins
  • AL Amyloidosis treatment includes chemotherapy

An important principle of treatment for cardiac amyloidosis is strict fluid balance control. Fluid excess can be avoided by careful attention to the 3 Ds: diet, diuretics and daily weights.

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