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Submitted by webmaster on 9 November 2024

Vitality Basic Program
for women Aged 40-60

The Vitality Basic program is tailored for ladies aged 40-60.

This program is designed to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage that specifically addresses the unique health concerns of women in this age group.


  1. Consultation with Consultant Family Medicine Physician
  2. Consultation with Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (excluding procedures)
  3. Vital signs: blood pressure, pulse & Oxygen level
  4. Physical parameters: Height, Weight, BMI
  5. Targeted physical examination
  6. Comprehensive Medication Review
  7. Screening hearing test
  8. Screening visual acuity
  9. ECG
  10. CXR- chest x-ray
  11. CBC- Complete Blood Count (Hemoglobin, MCV, WCC and differentials, Platelets)
  12. KFT- Kidney Function Test (Urea, Creatinine, eGFR)
  13. Electrolyte (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride)
  14. Uric acid
  15. LFT- liver function test (ALT, AST, ALP, Bilirubin)
  16. Albumin
  17. GGT
  18. Lipid profile (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL)
  19. Fasting blood sugar
  20. HbA1c
  21. Insulin resistance - Homa test
  22. TSH
  23. Vitamin D
  24. Vitamin B12
  25. Ferritin
  26. Calcium
  27. Magnesium
  28. Zinc
  29. Urine analysis
  30. Occult stool analysis

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