Member of Royal College of Anaesthetists – London.
Member of European Resuscitation Council (Certified Instructor).
Vice-President of Pan Arab Resuscitation Council (PARC).
Memeber Pan Arab Federation Liver Transplant
MENA Rep. World Federation of Anaesthesiology (WFSA) on Resuscitation, Trauma & Intensive Care, EX.
President, Jordan Board Anaesthesiology, EX.
President of Jordanian Anaesthesia Scientific Committee, EX.
Jordan Board Examiner
Reviewer to RMS Journal of Anaesthesia,
President of Sixth International Jordan Society of Anaesthesia conference. 2007.
Includes a wide range experience in Anaesthetics, all major specialties, sub-specialties, (i.e. Neuro, Open heart, and Liver transplantations), Pain management and Intensive Care Medicine.
Running a chronic pain management clinic and procedures twice weekly.
Peri-operative medicine, for pre-operative patient’s assessment & risk stratifications.