Submitted by webmaster on 18 October 2024 Dr. Luay Abu Alia MD, MBBS, FA Neurosurgeon & spine Surgeon Book an Appointment Call Now Education and TrainingGerman Board in NeurosurgerySubspeciality in neurosurgical intensive care- university hospital of Saarland, homburg / GermanySubspeciality in Neuroendoscopy.Arab Board in Neurosurgery.Neurosurgical training in neurosurgical department in university hospital of Saarland, Homburg/ GermanyNeurosurgical training in the Residency program of the Islamic Hospital & Ibn -Alhytham Hospital , Amman / Jordan.Medical degree from the Medical Faculty of the Jordanian University of Science & Technology, Irbid / Jordan.Professional ExperienceConsultant Neurosurgeon in neurosurgical Department, University of Saarland, Homburg-Germany.Academic Appointments and Teaching ExperienceNeuro Educational officer of the AOSpine Association/ Jordan ChapterAssistant professor in the Hashemite University in Jordan in neurosurgeryProfessional MembershipsMember of the International Foundation of Neuroendoscopy.Member of the German Medical Association.Member of the AOSpine Association.Member of the Congress of Neurological Surgery (CNS).Member of the European Association for Neurosurgical Societies (EANS).Member of the American Association for Neurosurgery (AANS).Member of the Jordanian Spinal Columns Committee.Specialty and Sub-Specialtiesneuro-oncology: management of brain and spinal tumours.pituitary tumours and neuroendocrine disorderstrauma to the head and spinal cordNeurosurgical critical care.Neuroendoscopic surgery .Spine surgery, including minimally invasive spinal surgeries and Endoscopic spine surgerydegenerative spinal conditions and prolapsed discscerebral (brain) aneurysms and strokes.peripheral nerve injuries, tumors and other disorders affecting the nervesepilepsy surgeriesCentral nervous system infectionsmovement disorders.congenital conditions such as spina bifidaconditions that affect cerebro-spinal fluid flow such as hydrocephalus See Other Doctors View Bio Dr. Amer Abu Al Ragheb Consultant Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon View Bio Dr. Fadi Al Kufri Consultant Neurologist View Bio Dr. Layan Akijian Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist View Bio Dr. Mohammed Armouti Consultant Spine/Orthopedic Surgeon See All Doctors