تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Submitted by webmaster on 17 October 2024


Amyloidosis can affect almost any tissue in the body. Therefore, the symptoms and signs of the disease can vary greatly and are often vague and not specific.

Symptoms by Type

  • ATTR amyloidosis symptoms
    ATTR amyloidosis mainly affects the heart and the nerves.
    • Symptoms of heart disease may include shortness of breath, palpitations, leg swelling, weight loss, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, fainting, chest pain and disrupted sleep.
    • Symptoms of nervous system disease may include weakness, pain, and loss of sensation in the arms and legs, disturbances of bowel, bladder, blood pressure and sexual function.
    • Disease due to amyloid deposits in the eye, kidneys, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and blood vessels.
  • AL amyloidosis symptoms
    In AL amyloidosis, amyloid deposits may affect any part of the body except for the brain. Usually one or two organs are predominantly affected (known as the “dominant” organs). Patients with AL amyloidosis may complain of general problems such as weight loss, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and easy bruising. They may also develop symptoms of disease affecting the kidneys, heart, nervous system, gut, liver, spleen, skin, and joints. Macroglossia (enlarged tongue), bruising of the skin round the eyes (‘racoon eyes’ or ‘panda eyes’) and the shoulder pad sign (swelling of both shoulders) are quite rare, occurring in less than 15% of cases. But when these signs do occur, they are very strongly suggestive of AL amyloidosis
  • AA amyloidosis symptoms
    AA amyloidosis mainly affects the kidneys and spleen. Protein in the urine is usually the first sign. After that, more serious kidney disease can develop, including nephrotic syndrome, when very large amounts of protein in the urine make it appear frothy, and there is ankle swelling and weight gain. The spleen is often enlarged.

شركاء التأمين

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المرضى من خارج الأردن

نرحب بالمرضى من جميع أنحاء العالم في مستشفى العبدلي.


د. رمزي طبلت

اختصاصي أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية، اختصاصي القسطرة العلاجية

د. علاء عداسي

قسم الأورام أمراض الدم، مستشار أول في الأورام وأمراض الدم

د. فائق مدانات

استشاري الأورام وأمراض الدم

د. قيس البلبيسي

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د. ليان أكجيان

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د. ميس الهلسه

استشاري الطب النووي، PET/CT والعلاج بالأشعة

د. نزيه قادري

اختصاصي امراض القلب والأوعية الدموية، اختصاصي القسطرة العلاجية

د. هبه برغوثي

استشاري أمراض الكلى