Vitality Plus liver health -abnormal liver function test
The liver is susceptible to a variety of conditions, including infections, diabetes, obesity, fatty liver, medication use, alcohol consumption, and more. If you had history of raised liver enzymes without an obvious reason, choose this package to evaluate your liver function through blood tests and imaging studies.
This package has the following additional components to the chosen vitality basic package
- Additional appointment with consultant family medicine
- Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
- Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAb)
- Hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc)
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-antibody
- Ceruloplasmin
- Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA)
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Serum antinuclear antibody (ANA)
- Anti-smooth muscle antibody (ASMA)
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin level
- Serum iron studies